Humanizing Migration

The third advocacy campaign conducted by two advocacy organizations (1) the Forum Alternatives Maroc(Morocco) and (2) Amel Association International (Lebanon) advocated towards a human-centred approach to migration by recognizing migration as a historical phenomenon rooted in Mediterranean exchanges, and mobility as a human right. The (3) organization, the think-tank European Policy Center (Brussels) joined the campaign providing analyses and organising a policy dialogue event in Brussels.   

Following were the activities carried by the campaign: 

Activity 1:  conducting Hybrid Meetings  

Meeting #1, and 2: Two Local/Regional Workshops to document input for Migration issues in Euro-med region done in Morocco and Lebanon. 

Activity 2: conducting online workshop 

Meeting #3: International Online Workshop to develop recommendations for Policy Impact. 

Activity 3: lobbying and advocating in Brussels  

Lobbying and advocating with EU and governmental stakeholders at the event organized by EPC in Brussels. 

Activity 4: raising the voice in Catania  

Debating at “Festival of Mediterranean Citizens”.  

Activity 5: promoting media advocacy campaign  

Media campaign carried at the of the campaign.  (Moving is a Human Right)

These activities were a good assessment and debate piece of work which resulted in compiling a list of recommendations that can eventually be put into practice in future advocacy activities (policy paper of the campaign).