Applications for “HackToAct” Hackathon are out!13.04.2021
Deadline for civil society activists: 22 April 2021
Deadline for IT professionals & Designers: 16 May 2021
Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality, an EU-funded programme aiming at supporting civil society working beyond borders in the Mediterranean region, is providing a digital civic space to up to 45 participants in order to develop digital solutions for the promotion of the practice of democracy and civil rights, thus contributing to reforms and democratic changes in their home countries, during a 4-day-Hackathon in Tunis on 8-11 July 2021.
To this end, a call for applications was launched addressed to civil society activists, IT professionals and graphic designers from Mashrek and Maghreb countries to work together by teams, on digital solutions that would cover several areas like e-participation, e-transparency, open data, citizen’s mobilisation, responsible citizenship, citizen-to-citizen services, civil society safety, watchdog & claim support, governmental transparency & accountability, etc. At the end of the Hackathon, three teams will be selected and granted technical and financial support of up to 10.000 €, to further develop, test and launch their digital tools.
The overall objective of this activity is to give the opportunity to Mediterranean citizens to build their capacities, to deepen their knowledge of key issues, to develop practical skills, to network and exchange with each other beyond borders, and to propose technical support solutions boosting the impact of technology on governance, transparency and participation in decision making process, and thus secure the fulfilment of democratic values in their communities.
The application is open to all civil society actors (until 22 April 2021) and IT professionals & graphic designers (until 16 May 2021), being national of and/ or resident in one the following countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia.
Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality is a 3-year (2019-2022) EU-funded technical assistance regional programme with the overall objective to strengthen the role of CSOs active at the regional scale, in building sustainable development, regional cohesion and social resilience, as well as influencing policy-making in the South end Neighborhood and the Euro-Mediterranean region.
For more information, please contact, Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality communication expert.