Act Environmentally Friendly15.12.2020

Country: Lebanon
Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Nada Halawi
Organization: Metn Environmental Sustainable Development Organization (MESD)
Duration: 5-15 June 2020

The environmental awareness campaign on climate change will be held in 5 villages of the Higher Metn region in Lebanon. It aims to raise awareness on environmental issues and promote eco-friendly behaviours. The action highly focuses on social media, organize plastic crafts workshops, and dissemination of tools and materials. It targets local schools, drivers, rural women, domestic helpers, and municipal police.
The campaign will help residents to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle practices in their daily lives, have less waste in the region, and more organic community with less pollutants through the promotion of car-sharing.

Key Activities:
  • Conducting school awareness campaigns to ensure sustainability through education
  • Conducting a road awareness campaigns in collaboration with local NGOs through distributing handouts and flyers on carpooling and paper bags for car waste.
  • Organizing recycling workshops targeting 30 women
  • Conducting a virtual training to locals and members of the police in order to apply strict hunting and grazing laws.


