NSSE نساء _ESS11.02.2021

Leader’s name: Ines Nasri
Country: Tunisia
Organization: The Tunisian Association for the Support of Initiatives in the Regions (TAMK-IN NETWORK)
Period of implementation: 15/01/2021- 09/01/2021

Gender-based economic violence against women, slows the relaunch of the social and solidarity economy sector. This action aims to capitalize and advocate against the economic violence based on gender in ESS sector, promote the female entrepreneurship as a tool for wealth creation and economic growth for small, disadvantaged households on ESS.

  • Producing a film of capitalization and advocacy against economic violence based on gender and promotion of female entrepreneurship in the ESS sector, conducting an advocacy campaign on social networks and organizing a meeting for the screening of the film which targets 1500 (Members of the advocacy campaign, active shares of the advocacy film on social networks Participants during the live streaming projection of the film in its final version).
