Together to plant 2020 plants to fight desertification15.12.2020

Country: Algeria
Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Ali Abbas Abdeldjalil
Organization: Dunia Association for Environmental Protection, Chlef- Algeria
Duration: 1-17 June 2020

The action is about organizing a campaign to combat desertification by involving local authorities, youth from Tiaret University and schools located near the region where the activity will take place. This activity aims to raise awareness about environmental issues in the areas affected by desertification. It aims as well to reduce negative human behaviours that threaten the environment by providing education activities on desertification and solving problems associated with desertification. The action leads to a participatory dialogue between the various parties working towards achieving sustainable development and effecting positive changes in people behaviours.

Key Activities:
  • Conducting a field visit to the area affected by desertification to explain the importance of afforestation.
  • Organizing an awareness campaign about desertification at Tiaret University and schools.
  • Planting 2020 pistachio plants in a forest area prone to desertification in a steppe town (Wilaya of Tiaret)



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