EBSOMED – Enhancing Business Support Organizations and Business Networks in the Southern Neighbourhood


EBSO Med is a 4-year project, co-financed by the European Commission that aims at boosting the Mediterranean business ecosystem promoting inclusive economic growth and job creation, by enhancing the private sector environment and namely the Business Support Organisations in the Southern Neighbourhood countries. The program will run from 2018-2022 with a budget of EUR 6.25 million.

Countries covered: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia.

Objectives of the program include: Improve management capacity performance and competitiveness of Mediterranean Business Support Organizations (BSO) through enhanced services in compliance with quality standards; empower Med private sector stakeholders by developing business linkages and networks between Southern Neighbourhood BSOs and EU counterparts, supporting them in seizing the financing services offered by Development and Finance Institutions (DFI); stimulate trade and investment flows by supporting the internationalization of MED SMEs; and increase Economic Regional Integration and boost the MED business community by creating a sustainable hub for developing business partnerships and coordinating strategies in key sectors of common interest in the Euromed region.

EBSO Med will articulate four major action lines which serve its specific objectives: BSO capacity building, a program to provide training and support for businesses; creating and maintaining MED Link to support partnerships and exchanges; supporting MED Cooperation, a business matchmaking forum; and MED promotion which supports roadshows throughout the region, including some focusing on women entrepreneurs.

Implementing partners include: MEDALLIANCE CONSORTIUM: BUSINESSMED – Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises (Tunisia); CAWTAR, the Center of Arab Woman for Training and Research; ASCAME, the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry ; EUROCHAMBERS, the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry; ANIMA Investment Network; GACIC, the German Arab Chamber of Commerce.

Key Resources

Key Resources Description

The MEDA Finance Survey 2019 presents an exhaustive survey of grants, technical assistance and lines of credit offered by several aid institutions working within different economic support programmes in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia for economic development in the Mediterranean region. This survey has been produced in the frame of the MEDA Finance 2019, an EBSOMED workshop on joint activities with donors, organized by GACIC and ASCAME, the 16th and 17th July in Cairo, Egypt.

Additional Resources


  • Year: 2019


  • Language(s): English
  • Number Of Pages: 388
  • Type Of Document: survey



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