
The project “EU-CIVCAP” was funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme from 2016 to 2018 with a budget of € 1714974,50. It has provided a comprehensive, comparative and multidisciplinary analysis of the EU’s capabilities in conflict prevention and peacebuilding in order to identify ‘the best civilian means to enhance these capabilities’ and the existing shortfalls.

This project has identified three inter-related objectives:

(1) To assess EU civilian capabilities for external conflict prevention and peacebuilding

(2) To identify and document lessons learned and best practices in EU conflict prevention and peacebuilding

(3) To enhance future policy practice and research on EU conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

To this end, the project included the production of policy papers, reports on best practices and lessons learned, the use of social media, the creation of a network of experts, and the organisation of training courses and events. Within the scope of the project, which was coordinated by the University of Bristol and included eight partners among European and international universities and research centres.

Program Website:

Key Resources Description

This report titled “EU-CIVCAP Policy Recommendations Executive Summary of the Final Report including Guidance for Policymakers” seeks to distil the main findings and recommendations from the project organised around the following key themes: 1) Resources for conflict prevention and peacebuilding; 2) Prioritising conflict prevention; 3) An integrated approach to conflicts and crises; 4) Building inclusive and sustainable peace; and 5) Improving learning in conflict prevention and peacebuilding. By focusing on these key themes, EU-CIVCAP aims to provide a timely contribution to current discussions about the implementation of the European Union Global Strategy in the areas of civilian conflict prevention and peacebuilding. While some of the policy recommendations included here are more concrete and technical in nature, others point towards more ambitious structural reforms that could be considered in this area, including streamlining the decision-making process, bridging the civilian-military gap, exploiting policy synergies between security and development/ humanitarian aid policies and making the integrated approach a reality.


  • Publisher: EU CIVCAP
  • Year: 2018


  • Language(s): English
  • Number Of Pages: 28
  • Type Of Document: Report
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