PPRD South III – Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-Made disasters in Middle East and North Africa Partnership Countries


The project’s overall objective is to contribute to increasing resilience and reducing the social, economic and environmental costs of natural and man-made disasters in the ENP South region, based on the results of the PPRD South Program and the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM).
The specific objectives are: 1) National approaches to disaster management are further developed, based on prevention, mitigation, and preparedness rather than on response, with the involvement of all relevant governmental actors as well as of civil society stakeholders. 2) Intra-regional, and where appropriate regional, co-ordination and co-operation is enhanced, in order to have coordinated responses of countries of the Mediterranean Basin affected by the same disaster; and institutional co-operation between the UCPM and the ENP South partner countries’ civil protection agencies is strengthened.

PPRD South project is funded by the European Commission from 2018-2021 and had a budget of € 5000000. It is implemented by Expertise FranceIt is a regional project that targeted southern Mediterranean countries, such as Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia.

Key Resources Description

This document is intended to provide a guideline document to PPRD South 3 Partner Countries to identify, define, describe and prepare national civil protection teams to be offered to neighbouring countries affected by major disasters. This document is based on the Common Standard Operational Procedures for the Union Civil Protection Mechanism Modules and Teams (UCPM SOPs)”developed by a group of European experts (EU Commission the DG ECHO - UCPM Prevention and Preparedness Projects in Civil Protection project 2017) and utilises elements gathered from the standard and practices of INSARAG, WHO, the Sphere Project and UNHCR


  • Authors/Publusher: PPRD South 3
  • Year: 2021


  • Language(s): English
  • Number Of Pages: 51
  • Type Of Document: Guideline
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