Project Cyber South – Cooperation on cybercrime in the Southern Neighbourhood Region


The CyberSouth project contributes to the prevention and control of cybercrime and other offences involving electronic evidence, in line with international human rights and rule of law standards and good practices. The project runs from 2017-2021 and has a budget of EUR 3.33 million. It is implemented by the Cybercrime Programme Office (C-PROC) of the Council of Europe

Countries covered: Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia

Its objective is to strengthen legislation and institutional capacities on cybercrime and electronic evidence in the region of the Southern Neighbourhood in line with human rights and rule of law requirements.

Actions of the program include: review, advice workshops, and online tools on legislation; elaboration and dissemination of guidelines; tools for public/private and international cooperation; policy advice through conferences, workshops, reports; development and dissemination of training materials, training of trainers, delivery of training courses (law enforcement and judicial); and domestic, regional and international workshops.

Key Resources

Key Resources Description

The "Standard Operating Procedures" (SOP) have been developed within the framework of the CyberSouth Project and is intended for use by law enforcement and judicial authorities. The aim of the guide is to cover procedures to be followed for the onsite retrieval, securing, transport and handling of digital evidence, as well as its analysis and presentation.
The guide also includes procedures to cover new technologies such as mobile devices and cloud storage and even has a section about live data forensics raising awareness for the importance of acquiring volatile data.
These SOP were developed in response to a need expressed by practitioners and serve for the countries that are developing their response to cybercrime and establishing rules and special procedures to deal with electronic evidence.

Additional Resources


  • Author: Cybercrime Programme Office of the Council of Europe (C-PROC)
  • Year: 2019


  • Language(s): English
  • Number Of Pages: 46
  • Type Of Document: Standard operating procedures


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