
SIGMA (Support for Improvement in Governance and Management) is a joint initiative of the OECD and the European Union. Its key objective is to strengthen the foundations for improved public governance, and hence support socio-economic development through building the capacities of the public sector, enhancing horizontal governance and improving the design and implementation of public administration reforms, including proper prioritization, sequencing and budgeting. We have been working with our partners on strengthening their public governance systems and public administration capacities since 1992. SIGMA aims at assisting countries in installing governance and administrative systems appropriate to a market economy, functioning under the rule of law in a democratic context.
The specific objectives are: Assessing reform strategies and action plans; reform progress; legal frameworks, methodologies, systems and institutions. and Develops methodologies, tools and guidance to support reforms. As well as Provides advice on the design and implementation of reforms; recommendations on improving laws and administrative arrangements; advice on optimizing the use of other EU assistance; opportunities to share good practice from a wide range of countries; multi-country studies.

Key Resources Description

This publication intended to provides an overview on the role of political advisers and their relationship with civil servants, also benefiting from insights gathered during the seminars held in East Europe. As well as try to answer on questions like: How do countries define appropriate roles for political advisers and civil servants as rooted in their history? What regulations govern their respective functions? How do political advisers and civil servants cooperate? What are points of contention and how are disagreements resolved?


  • Author: OECD
  • Year: 2007


  • Language(s): English
  • Number Of Pages: 71
  • Type Of Document: Report


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