Skills forecasting in the South Mediterranean region: approaches and lessons learned from pilot projects


This publication was prepared within the framework of the Networks of Mediterranean Youth (NET-MED Youth) and Youth Employment in the Mediterranean (YEM) projects, funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by UNESCO.

This report draws upon the work done since 2014, including the five skills forecasting models developed and the detailed results produced in seven South Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia). Its main audience is priority actors in charge of the development and supervision of national skills-related policies and plans in the various countries involved. The report also builds on an international perspective, aiming to benchmark and compare the work carried out in the Mediterranean area with other initiatives across the world. It focuses on four key elements:

●The methodology and models developed and used, including complementarity with other tools and methods (including enterprise surveys, and sector skills reviews)

●Key findings from the new skills projections

●Lessons regarding governance and involvement of national stakeholders.

Program Website:


  • Author: UNESCO


  • Language(s): English
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