SouthMed WiA – Towards Greater Gender Equality: Promoting the Role and Image of Women in the Southern Mediterranean Audio-visual Sector


The SouthMed WiA project aims to addresses issues related to the perpetuation of gender-based stereotypes and the under-representation of women in the audio-visual sector in the Southern Mediterranean. The project aims at strengthening the capacities of the film operators with the purpose to contribute to sustainable development and cultural diversity by enhancing the image and the participation of women in the audio-visual sector.
The specific objectives are: To provide support to 6-8 projects that aim to promote gender equality in the audiovisual sector in the targeted countries; To strengthen women’s professional skills and their capacities to advocate for and participate with prominent roles in the local and regional audiovisual industry; and To enhance evidence, provide comprehensible, relevant arguments and raise awareness regarding the potential of female involvement in the audiovisual sector and in society.
SouthMed WiA project is funded by the European Commission from 2017-2019 and had a budget of € 1.25 million. It is implemented with partners such as Culture & Media Agency Europe (CUMEDIAE), Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (COPEAM), The Screen Institute Beirut (SIB), Superior School of Audiovisual and Cinema of Tunisia (ESAC), as well as European Women’s Audiovisual Network (EWA). It is a regional project that targeted southern Mediterranean countries, such as Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco.

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Key Resources Description

“Recto/Verso" Film 2019 A production of ESAC (Ecole Superieure de l'audiovisuel et du cinema) in the frame of the SouthMed WiA - Women in Audiovisual in the Southern Mediterranean project


  • Author: SouthMEd WiA
  • Year: 2019


  • Language(s): French
  • Type Of Document: short movie


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