“Hack To Act” Award to “YASMENA” mobile App15.07.2021

15 Hack teams worked day and night during online Hackathon “HackToAct” organized by EU-funded programme Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality from 8 to 11 July 2021. The teams composed by activists, IT developers and graphic designers were supported by IT experts and mentors to refine their ideas and develop digital solution prototypes boosting the impact of technology on better governance, transparency, participation in decision making process, thus contributing to reforms and democratic changes in their home countries.

This online event gathered around 45 civil society actors IT professionals & graphic designers from Mashrek and Maghreb countries to work together in teams on digital solutions covering several areas like e-participation, e-transparency, open data, citizen’s mobilisation, responsible citizenship, citizen-to-citizen services, civil society safety, watchdog & claim support, governmental transparency & accountability, etc.

At the end of the Hackathon and following a final pitching session, three teams were awarded the “HackToAct Award” and granted technical and financial support of 10,000 € each, to further develop, test and launch their digital tools in the upcoming months.  

In this context, Yasmena team composed of Asmaa Khairy (activist, Egypt), Malik Altawati (IT developer, Libya) and Ahmed Farrag (graphic designer, Egypt) had the opportunity to be selected and granted one of the three “Hack To Act” Awards. Congratulations YASMENA!

What is YASMENA?

YASMENA is a mobile app that aims at real time reporting and mapping of sexual harassment in Egypt. This app provides support resources and details, informs users about harassment hotspots, and helps them report and document any crime. The data obtained through Yasmena can help decision makers allocate resources to hotspots and improve their care services for the victims. With the accumulating efforts and contributions of all stakeholders of Yasmena, creators hope to get a safer public space for everyone to take part, without the fear of forfeiting one’s body dignity. Yasmena is a gender friendly, safe, supportive, and informative tool.

Why did the selection committee choose Yasmena?

The solution addresses a real problem in Egypt that women are facing every day, and whose solution can be scalable in the rest of the MENA region. Furthermore, it aims at making women more aware about their right to have rights and at reinforcing their capacities to become engaged citizens in their communities. Besides that, Yasmena project evolved considerably from the Ideathon phase until the end of the Hackathon following experts’ recommendations – thanks to the contribution of the creative team the project hired. During the pitching session, the team presented a well-developed prototype with a very friendly design.

More information about the whole activity


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