Launching of Med Dialogue Leaders’ Common action “Rethink, Reconnect the Med”15.03.2022
On March 15th , 2022 has begun the regional Common Action “ Rethink, Reconnect the Med “, launched by the EU-Programme Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality, involving 29 young leaders working together in local, twinning or cross-border initiatives to raise awareness on, develop and apply critical thinking tools.
It is recalled that this Common Action was designed by young leading activists, through a process of capacity building, debate and collaborative work on developing critical thinking tools, on the occasion of a Med Dialogue Leaders Bootcamp held from January 29th to February 2nd 2022 in Valencia.
Namely, “Rethink, Reconnect the Med” Common Action embodies the far-reaching power of youth, when they move as one “critical mass” to address common policy challenges across the Mediterranean region and Europe. Accordingly, it promotes the use and development of a critical thinking approach in their communities when addressing issues that they care about.
Hence, 29 Med Dialogue Leaders are carrying out local awareness raising campaigns, advocacy actions, surveys, pilot development schemes training workshops as well as exhibitions, both online and offline with the aim to support the capacity to assess realities with analytical tools and questioning techniques. Cities and communities located in eighteen Euro-Mediterranean countries are interested by this Common action. In this context, the Common Action’s activities are mainly taking place in the last two weeks of March 2022, while some of them will continue also beyond that period.
“Rethink, Reconnect the Med” is an initiative aiming at bringing together young leaders beyond national borders, to build a common vision and question prejudices, propaganda, and development models through critical thinking, and consolidate synergies for future cooperation in their respective communities and beyond.”
Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality is a 3-year (2019 – 2022) EU-funded Technical Assistance regional Programme with the overall objective to strengthen the role of CSOs active at the regional scale, in building sustainable development, regional cohesion and social resilience, as well as in influencing policy-making in the Southern Neighborhood and the Euro-Mediterranean Space.
Note: Components and implementation dates of the local actions may change due to the evolution of the measures related to the Covid-19 health emergency that apply in the concerned countries.
For more information, please contact:, Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality team leader.
Common action activities
Local actions
Regional actions
- Bootcamp 3
- Common action
- critical thinking
- Euro-Mediterranean region
- Med Dialogue Leaders