Mashrek consultation workshop11.12.2020

Following the Maghreb consultation workshop, 30 participants representing regional civil society networks and organizations from 5 Mashrek Arab countries (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria), participated in the Mashrek session, in Amman on 2-4 March, 2020.

This consultation aimed at developing civil society actors’ capacities, in terms of advocacy for a future vision for the Mediterranean region as a common space and a lasting environment for cooperation, rights and equality. It provided an enabling environment for civil society organizations to engage in an open reflection to make such vision a potentially achievable horizon. Thus, Mashrek participants had the opportunity to access policy-dialogue, strategizing techniques, exchange of experiences, networking, and building collaborations beyond national borders, around shared principles and values. In margin of this consultation, they also participated in a debate with Jordanian civil society organizations on “Regional challenges and civil society’s role in advocacy”.

“We call on all civil society actors and the stakeholders who are in the Mediterranean, with in the forefront the European Union, the League of Arab States, and the Union for the Mediterranean, as well as on all peoples of the Mediterranean basin, to act together toward establishing a permanent Mediterranean institutional space, playing the role of a common platform and contributing to an in-depth and thorough discussion and practical solutions to common challenges, particularly those related to rights and equality.” Excerpt from the Mashreq Workshop’s statement


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