New: A Roadmap for building a common destiny in the Mediterranean is now available!14.02.2022

In the form of a booklet in three languages (English, Arabic and French), this document includes key messages defined, and the findings of activities implemented through “Our Mediterranean” advocacy campaign, taking stock of what a common destiny requires as a condition for existence, recommendations and next steps.

Championing placing a common Mediterranean destiny into an institutional framework, the booklet includes: a state of play of the discussions around the common Med identity (literature and Med vision barometer), what the campaign delivered as “news thoughts”: how it feeds the debates (results of Mediterranean Talks, roundtables and meetings), infographics, Mediterranean stories, policy recommendations and roadmap.

In addition to these activities, an attractive video was produced to synthesize the different actions undertaken and highlight the key messages/recommendations.

It is recalled that “Our Mediterranean” is a cross-border advocacy campaign calling for a common destiny in the region, led by a consortium composed of Civitas Institute (Gaza), Mashallah News (Lebanon/France), Maydan Association (Italy) and Réseau Euromed France (France) –working together under the umbrella of Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality programme. The main objective of this campaign is to defend common values and promote solidarity between the two shores, to work towards the establishment of a ‘united and free community of destiny’.


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