10 Days for the Mediterranean15.12.2020

Country: Mauritania
Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Sidia Ahmed Moussa
Organization: The Mauritanian Organization for social solidarity and environment protection (OMASSAPE)
Duration: 12-22 June 2020

Thirty young Maghreb and Mashreq civil society leaders returned from Med Dialogue Fellows’ 1st bootcamp to their home society and developed their project ideas for a 4-month incubation period, accompanied by technical support from the EU-funded Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality regional Programme’s team, and working with their local communities to create change on the ground and the policy level.
On june 1st 2020 the Med Dialogue Fellows launched their unique ecological initiatives, within the framework of the regional common action “10 Days for the Mediterranean”. Equipped with the know-how in project development, management and communication, the young civil society leaders, have defined four main themes: Climate change, Agroecology and forests, plastic waste, and marine pollution, to promote sustainable ecological practices and environmental protection measures across 10 Mediterranean countries: Lebanon, Egypt, Mauritania, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Occupied territories of Palestine, Algeria, Jordan, Syria and Syrians in diaspora.

Key Activities:
  • Conducting a social media campaign to promote the challenge.
  • Launching an event including a 90-minute lecture about plastic pollution, climate
  • Documenting The 10-day Challenge
  • Organizing community beach cleanups with volunteers.


