Mediterranean entrepreneur11.02.2021

Leader’s name: Samer Alaswad
Country: Syria
Organization: Sanad, Marj3, Almashgal
Period of implementation: 15/01/2021- 30/01/2021

Create a space for dialogue that brings together entrepreneurs from Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt to communicate and share experiences and challenges according to the local contexts of each country. The expected results are new knowledge generated from the dialogue for every participating entrepreneur, and networking opportunities among entrepreneurs within and across the participating countries.

  • A two-day workshop, the first day brings together the entrepreneurial institutions interested in the social entrepreneurship from the following countries : Syria, Lebanon, Egypt with the aim of acquainting themselves with different institutions and environments, the second day will be dedicated to discussing the legal environment and challenges facing entrepreneurs in the three countries. Online sessions are also scheduled for the entrepreneurs to share experiences, opportunities and success stories and the possible ways to progress.

