Promote entrepreneurship culture09.02.2021

Leader’s name: Marian Melad
Country: Egypt
Organization: Civil society Organizations at the local level (CBOs), The University's career Development Centers, MSMEDA ( small and medium enterprises development agency )
Period of implementation: 20/01/2021- 31/01/2021

The action aims to create a generation of entrepreneur driven by self-employment culture. Expected results of this action are 10 young people equipped with entrepreneurial skills ready to spread the entrepreneurship culture among their peers and the implementation of an awareness campaign on entrepreneurship on social media.

  • Conducting a workshop for 10 youth from 18 to 35 years old on developing entrepreneurial skills
  • Providing youth with ideas and application models as an output for training to adopt the awareness campaign, as well as designing and implementing a campaign through social media to educate youth about the importance of entrepreneurial and self-employment.

