Think Equal (Slovenia)22.06.2022

Country: Slovenia
Implemented by Med Dialogue Fellow: Samar ZUGHOOL
Organization: POVOD Institute for culture and development of international relations in culture
Duration: 15/03/2022 -31/03/2022

This action focuses on teaching critical thinking through Art for 12 migrants, refugees, and Slovenian women to equip them with the necessary skills in order to create at least ten statements accompanied with creative products such as crochet, handicrafts, paintings, poetry, short films, or photography. The aim is to create an inclusive platform for Med refugee women that allows them to use critical thinking tools to re-discuss and re-address their rights and  mobilise the public to stand for women’s rights beyond gender and borders in the Mediterranean region.

Key Activities:
  • Conducting a workshop on critical thinking through arts to discuss women’s rights and movements for equality beyond genders and borders.
  • Hosting a gathering to create the ten statements and art products.
  • Implementing ten days of intensive online campaign for women’s rights in the Mediterranean region.



#ReThink_Med #RiseForGenderEquality