MEDSTAT IV – Euro Mediterranean Statistical Cooperation


The MEDSTAT IV project provides expertise and technical support to promote the harmonisation of statistics in line with EU and international standards in 6 domains: business register and business, trade and balance of payments, energy, labour market, migration and transport). It follows on the previous phase implemented over the period 2010-2013.
The specific objectives are: to contribute to the production of better quality data in the priority thematic sectors; Support to Working groups through relevant and timely expertise and activities; Harmonisation of statistical data in line with European and international standards; Raising awareness on statistics for a number of stakeholders, including a more user-friendly dissemination of statistics; Implementation of the Statistics Code of Practice (COP) for the Neighbourhood South countries.
MEDSTAT IV project is funded by the European Commission from 2016-2019 and had a budget of € 4700000. It is a regional project that targeted southern Mediterranean countries, such as Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia (cooperation with Syria is suspended).

Key Resources Description

This publication, aims to provide a taste of the wide selection of European statistics that are collected for regions and other subnational classifications across a broad range of subjects. The outbreak of the COVID-19


  • Authors/Publusher: Eurostat
  • Year: 2020


  • Language(s): English
  • Number Of Pages: 196
  • Type Of Document: Yearbook


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