#OURMEDITERRANEAN : Take part in the survery14.10.2021

The #OURMEDITERRANEAN campaign carried out by 4 associations engaged in the Mediterranean region (REF – Réseau Euromed France – France, Mashallah News – Lebanon, Civitas – Palestine, Maydan – Italy) aims to defend the multiple facets of our common Mediterranean roots, ensuring that the shared challenges in the region are put on the agenda of regional institutions operating in the Mediterranean.

“Our Mediterranean” is, therefore, launching a survey in order to emphasize common values shared in the Mediterranean region, identify common markers and obstacles encountered in the Mediterranean, and pave the way to build a common regional space.

The collection of this data will then be used to define a roadmap and conduct an advocacy campaign with public authorities on the priorities identified in the promotion of this common destiny.

This questionnaire will take you less than 15 minutes to complete! Please fill it out and help us disseminating it widely!

The survey in EnglishFrench and Arabic

Share your views about the Mediterranean region’s destiny!

Deadline: 27 OCTOBER 2021

This campaign is implemented with the financial support of the European Union within the framework of the EU-funded regional Programme Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality. Its contents are the sole responsibility of “Our Mediterranean” Consortium and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.


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